About Me



I’m Jack, and I love photography.


Small beginnings

I’ve loved photography ever since my Dad bought me my first camera at the age of four. I mainly used it to take photos of my feet, but it sparked an interest which has stayed with me ever since.



I ended up moving on from the Big Yellow Camera and as a teenager started investing in a proper camera system of my own. I’d take my cameras wherever I went, shooting anything and everything. While at University, I would go to the library intending to work on an essay or do some reading for my courses, but I always ended up reading about photography instead, with my Canon 400D sitting by my side.


Going Pro

I started shooting professionally in 2013 at the age of 21. I’ve loved pretty much every minute of being a photographer. I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the most recognisable organisations in Scotland, the occasional American celebrity, and literally hundreds of awesome clients. Nothing beats the feeling you get when you see a client who is thrilled with their photos. I don’t think I could ask for better clients - and I hope one day you might become one of them too.